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The diarist on a coffee break in 1974 -- if anyone knows the make of this mug, please leave me a comment! |
I've recently begun the sizeable task of transcribing all my extant notebooks and diairies into a single Word file (I've got around 80!). The idea is that it will be easier to search it for relevant bits when I come to write the book I'm planning. I won't transcribe boring bits, just personal fragments that have something of my life about them.
My earliest diary is a W H Smith notebook with a cover so redolent of the 1970s it takes me straight back there. Here it is in all its circly glory. In this book I kept an early diary, beginning on 30 December
I hope you enjoy this trip back to small-town England in the mid Seventies... (I've changed names to protect people's privacy)
30 December 1973
I decided to begin to write a diary. If it is successful it will be my first ever completed diary. The trouble is I keep forgetting to write entries in.
Today I played with Helen. We washed her dog, Rollo, who was found to be extremely grubby.
Later in the evening I watched Monty Python’s Flying Circus. It was very amusing and we recorded it on my new cassette recorder. After I had done this I went and had a bath. Surprisingly enough, I needed no persuasion. Perhaps this was because I was so filthy and for once I actually wanted a bath. Most unusual!Daddy made his very first attempt at a collage. It turned out to be a beautiful design of leaves in very subtle shades of blue. I was very impressed.
31 December 1973
Considering that this is the last day of the year it is exceedingly boring and uninteresting. I did not go or do anything out of the ordinary to celebrate the new year. It was really rather a dismal end to what has been a horrible year, what with strikes and other miserable-making happenings.
1973 -- the petrol ran out, among many other trying things |
I hope that with the start of 1974 we’ll be able to turn over a new leaf and make all the nasty things right again.
This evening I made supper for us all and Dad gave me, the coffee-slopping waitress, a tip. Maybe he did it to encourage me to do the supper more often.
Dad was making a bird to stick on his collage. I love the bird but the more I look at the collage the more I seem to see its ugly, messy features. It’s only his first try though and I think that the technique of collage needs practice. I think I shall have a go at collage. I fancy doing a picture of a fire. Flames have always fascinated me. I love the way they dance and writhe. It would be difficult to capture fire in a realistic way but I’d like to try.
Tuesday 1 January 1974
This morning I began a collage. I started with a sun which was made up of petals of material in rich colours of reds and oranges. I think I shall make use of it in a larger collage, with the sun behind silhouetted trees.
We had a very refreshing salad for our lunch while we listened to Uri Geller on the radio.
Uri damaging someone else's fork |
I put a fork on the table near the radio in the hope that Uri’s thoughts might reach it and bend it as has happened to so many other people. But Uri was spoken to over the phone from New York and when he was asked to bend something in England from New York he said that he was very tired and that it was too difficult to send thoughts all that way.
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wfmillar / Richmond Falls / CC BY-SA 2.0 |
Later in the afternoon Helen came round and we went down to the river. It was bitterly cold and I had forgotten my gloves. My hands were bright red with cold but we had great fun smashing the ice which had collected in the small rock pools near the waterfall. We tried to take a piece of ice home with us but, inevitably, with the warmth of our hands it melted.
I challenged Helen to a race on the way home. Helen went round the long way and I went up a very steep hill which was really just as much of a handicap as Helen had. We weren't allowed to run. I beat Helen by a long distance and when I reached the decided finishing post Helen was just struggling at the bottom of the hill.
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My route home -- Lombard's Wynd, Richmond |
We arrived home and went and sat in my bed. Helen read one of my old annuals while I wrote my diary. When Helen had gone I dressed all my dolls in their best clothes, especially for the New Year. They looked very smart. Then I went and recorded some music on my [new] tape recorder so that I could listen to it in bed [ie recorded over the air]. It was one of my favourite records, ‘Music from the Greek Islands’. It is very peaceful.
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I was just too cool for words. But it wouldn't be all that long before I was into The Clash and Stiff Little Fingers... |
After this I watched the first programme in a new series of The Likely Lads which I enjoyed .
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? Terry and Bob, characters worthy of Samuel Beckett |
Immediately after this I was rushed off to Hilda and Sam’s house where we all enjoyed a game of poker. I was employed as chief lucky mascot for Mum and Dad. I don't think I brought them much luck though.
Soon we took a break. Hilda had prepared a lovely buffet supper and I ate much more than I thought I could manage. Afterwards play was resumed and Mum had quite a nice win. I am sure that the cards in her hand would not have been dealt any differently had I not been there. I sat down in a comfy chair and wrote some more diary. Then I got out my Elizabethan Costume colouring book and began to colour the first dress. I tried to use colours which might have been used on the actual dress. [I have this somewhere -- the colours I used were bright pink, grey and turquoise] We went home at 12:30. I had to be dragged away. When I got home I realised that really it was better that we came away when we did. Once out of the excitement I felt really tired.
Wednesday 2 January 1974
I had cheese and biscuits for my lunch while listening to Just a Minute on the radio. About half an hour later Helen came and as it was too cold to go for a walk we went up to my bedroom where the paraffin stove was glowing comfortably. We pretended that it was Christmas again and we found Christmas presents for all the dolls and wrapped them in scraps of wrapping paper. It was a pity that we knew what was in them though because it spoiled the fun of making the dolls open them.
We had a delicious spaghetti bolognese for tea.
Helen went home and Mum and I went down to see Polly and Jim. We had a lovely time with little bits of toast and crackers. It was very cosy and warm. We did enjoy ourselves. At ten o'clock Mum suggested that we went home but I pleaded and begged her to let us stay a while. Actually we stayed until 11:30.
Jim ran us home in his car which had frost on the windows. That proves how cold it was. When I got in I went straight to bed.
Thursday 3 January 1974
I got up very early and got dressed in the drastic coldness of my bedroom. I put on nice clothes because I was going out later in the morning. I had a tepid cup of tea which woke me up sufficiently to bear going out in the cold to salt the icy paths with table salt to melt the ice. Really the roads were treacherous this morning. You could see the ice glistening evilly on the path. I slid all the way down the path on hands and feet and couldn't stop so I fell down the steps.
I listened, for the first time, to my recording of some Greek music. Mummy enjoyed it very much so it was worth recording. It wasn’t really a very good recording but you could hear it at least.
At round about ten o’clock I set off to Helen’s house. They were taking me on a spending spree in Darlington. Helen and I were going to spend the vouchers that we got for Christmas. When I got to Helen's house I was fully expecting to set off immediately so I kept my coat on. But it was an hour before we started off so I took my duffel coat off.
We were taken by Helen's grandfather. Five of us went: Helen, Carol, Helen's granny and grandad and me. We were dropped off outside Smith’s, where we spent our book tokens (this was the main reason for going to Darlington). I bought two lovely books about Roman and Classical Greek Art. They were exquisite with most beautiful illustrations. I was so pleased with them. Helen bought a book about about an artist called Watteau. I’ve never heard of him. She also bought a rather boring book about Lewis Carroll with horrible black and white illustrations.
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Ewan Munro, London, CC BY-SA |
We went to Binn’s after this to have lunch. Carol treated herself, Helen and me to scampi with peas and chips. It was my first taste of scampi and I really enjoyed it. I tried tartare sauce on a chip and didn't like it. It was too sweet. I felt a bit guilty while I was eating it because it was so expensive, but I had offered to pay and Carol had refused my money so my conscience was relieved a little.
After this I had coffee ice cream and a strawberry milkshake. Delicious! Next we had a look around Binn’s and Helen tried on loads of clothes, which turned out to be an utter waste of time as she didn't buy anything. I was very tempted by a very pretty flannel but I decided but I had enough flannels without purchasing yet another.
Helen and I each bought a small notebook. This was just
luxury buying. I think I was foolish enough to buy it because so many people
were buying extravagant things around me that the atmosphere of the shop was
urging you to buy all its tempting miscellany. [I'm still a sucker for notebooks]
My pad had a dove on its cover and Helen's flowers. I'm going to make a picture diary in mine with little sketches showing the major happenings throughout the day.
Then we went to Williams’ to spend our record tokens. Helen bought a Craig Sheppard piano record and Dvorak's New World Symphony. I ordered Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals which we studied at school. At Gallery Five Helen and I bought some stickers between us. They were of hippos and flowers. I stuck them on my bedstead when I got home.
Mummy and Daddy thought my books were lovely and that I had made a good choice. We watched The Two Ronnies and then I went to bed.
Friday 4 January 1974
We slept in this morning. I had breakfast with Mum in her bed. When I got up I immediately had a piano and a clarinet practice. Mum went out for a drink with Aunt Marjorie. We had salmon while Mum was out [tinned, I’m sure of it]. We had it for our lunch with chips. This was because I had been clamouring for salmon ever since I had it at Hilda’s supper.
I decided not to play with Helen but then I felt terribly guilty so I rang up and invited her to come along. Mum and I decided that this was to be the day we refurnished the dolls house. I put everything from the house in a box and Daddy took the house downstairs where the light was better. First of all I polished all the wooden furniture so that it shone and Mummy began to wallpaper the walls with small-patterned material. The effect was just like real wallpaper.
Helen and I made a set of silhouettes which we mounted on circles of blue painted paper. Then I made a bearskin rug out of an old piece of imitation fur. It had bead eyes and wool whiskers. Its head was padded to make it stand up and so were the paws.
After tea we began to make dolls for the house from pipe cleaners and wool. Mine was incredibly ugly with an enormous head and very short legs.
Granny [maternal] was taking me to the [Georgian] theatre in the evening to see Alice in Wonderland so Helen went home. Mum went to Carol’s but she promised that she would come back soon and do lots more to the dolls house.
When I got to Granny’s house to meet her I found that she had gone to the theatre without me. It was pouring with rain and very chilly. When I finally got to the theatre I was very bedraggled and wet. Granny was there waiting for me. She was ushering and selling programmes. Suddenly she dropped all her money and everyone had to scrabble about on the filthy floor until we found it all.
I was sitting in front of a horrible family. One was silly and cross eyed, another was a stupid man who had to have everything explained to him twice. His wife was very short and grossly fat. She had black and yellow teeth and interfered with her friends by telling them what she thought they ought to drink and what they ought and ought not to laugh or speak about. There was a blond boy with a red knitted hippy band. This made him look simply ridiculous. His father was baby-faced. They were all horrible.
Alice in Wonderland was terribly pantomimed and everything was terribly exaggerated and we all had to boo and hiss. Very tedious. I told Granny that I really enjoyed it so as not to hurt her feelings but I didn’t honestly enjoy it.
On the way home Granny walked dreadfully slowly which made it very boring but I looked forward to seeing what Mum had done. When I got home Mum was still at Carol’s and she had done no more to the dolls house at all. I carried on with my wool doll, but seeing how ugly she was I threw her away and went to bed. I had a very uncomfortable night. I don't know why. I was also very cold.
Saturday 5 January 1974
We slept in yet again and we went to Darlington almost immediately and had fish and chips for lunch. Daddy went out and bought a slide viewer. We watched a film called Three Coins in a Fountain. It was filmed in Rome and the scenery was beautiful.
Play Away! |
After this I watched Play Away and then Candid Camera which I had never seen before. It was very peculiar.
We went home and I did a bit more of my jigsaw. I’m beginning to think I'll never get it finished. I went to bed after having a bottle of Coke and a slice of pie. It had been a very boring day.
Sunday 6 January 1974
We slept in as usual. I hope we don’t sleep in tomorrow and be late for the first day back at school. That would be dreadful and awfully embarrassing.
On account of getting up so late, the making of the dinner was a frantic rush. When we finally ate it, though, it was delicious. Steak and kidney pie is one of my favourite dishes.
The dolls house is now virtually completed except for need of a few oddments making here and there. I invited Helen to come and play. When she arrived she found a letter (written by me) inviting her to tea at 27 Carlton Place. To find the house she was to follow the string. This led her to my bedroom where the dolls house is. We spent a happy afternoon having parties and putting the dolls to bed. The only thing was that Helen kept on putting animals in the attic which I didn't think quite fitting for a Victorian house.
We had beans on toast for tea. We gobbled it rather because we didn't want to miss any of Black Beauty, our favourite programme. After this we went upstairs again and played with Becky and Sarah [dolls]. We pretended that they were ill.
Helen went soon after that and I went and had a large and thorough bath. In doing this I succeeded in using up all the hot water.
When I went to bed Dad set my alarm clock so that I could be aware of the time. I am convinced that it moves faster in the first half of every five minutes than it does in the second. Anyway, I only hope it's capable of waking me up tomorrow! As I went to sleep I tried to set my mind so that I could wake up early in the morning. It's my last hope.
Monday 7 January 1974
Success! I woke up early this morning and I wasn't too exhausted despite the effort I made last night to make myself wake up. Actually I got up a bit too early and I was left to lounge about for half an hour before I set off to school.
At school everything was horribly normal. At dinner time I accidentally chose the wrong menu. It was ghastly. I was very envious of Karen who had the other menu. Afterwards we went to the library where that ugly, big, greasy librarian was on duty. I hate her. I got a book out of the library that was all in French. It's lovely. I was lucky in that we had no homework except English which I was unable to do as Karen had the papers I needed.
All day there has been a continuous torrent of rain. We had to stay indoors all day. But at least we were warm.
There was no [wind] band practice so I went home and relaxed all evening. I think that my jigsaw is eventually coming to the end of its tether. When it is finished I'll be really proud of it. I shan't want to break it up. I also put some postcards in my albums. I want them to be museum pieces some day.
I went to bed early but I stayed awake a long time shivering because Dad forgot to do me a hot water bottle and as he was watching a programme on the television I didn't like to interrupt his viewing. I was so cold that I wished I had asked for one. In the end I couldn't bear it so I went down and got one. Utter bliss.
Tuesday 8 January 1974
I got up a bit late this morning but I soon caught up with myself. School was very chattery and we didn't seem able to keep quiet. We had a lovely dinner and then we went and read in the library.
After school I went downtown in the rain with Sandy I wished I hadn't in the end because I got so wet and uncomfortable. At least I got my candles. They are very pretty colours.
At last I've finished my jigsaw. It looks magnificent. I went to bed at ten pm. Rather late, I think, for me.
I am lying in bed thinking about my diary. I realise now that there are lots of interesting things I might have put. The next part of my diary is a conglomeration of things that I should like to remember.
My beautiful jigsaw is a picture of the Kings Road. It's taken about five hours altogether to do it but if I was given this jigsaw and five hours to do it in without any breaks I don't think I would have been able to concentrate hard enough.
Mummy says that I’m grown-up now and I have to be independent. I think I agree with her. I have to walk home on my own now and wash my hair unaided. I think this is very sensible but it’s a very sudden change.
The dolls house is simply perfect. It has four rooms and two attics. There is a kitchen which will have a roaring fire in eventually (only painted). I like to keep real food in store [in it]. Tom Thumb drops are very useful for this purpose. Next to the kitchen is the drawing room. It has blue walls and a purple velvet carpet. There are tiny silhouettes and framed pictures on the walls. I've got an exquisite sofa and two beautiful armchairs. Luckily my dolls fit all the furniture perfectly. It's a pity, though, that they are so modern, they rather spoil the Victorian atmosphere of the house. Upstairs are two bedrooms. One is mainly green with a four-poster bed. It's got green drapes and a lovely green quilt. These match the walls. The other room has two twin beds, each with a pink frill round them, and a tiny pink continental quilt. Mummy made them. I do think she's clever.
Thursday 10 January 1974
I didn't do any diary yesterday because I had such an uninteresting day and I could think of nothing worthy of being written down.
This morning it was very difficult to get up because of the contrast between the warmth of my bed and the bitter cold of the room. I eventually made an effort and went downstairs. I went to school without Mum today [she was a teacher at my school]. When I was ready she was still pottering about so I set off.
Work was much the same as usual but we had a new art teacher whose name is Mr Otway. He does interesting work and he wears purple jeans. In science we were visited by a young student called Mr Laws. Mr Renwick grimly told us that we were having an awful test tomorrow. He made it sound dreadful. I revised thoroughly (I hope) when I got home.
Dinner was alright except it was completely cold which is horrid when you're having chips and chocolate sponge.
In Latin I got another ‘A’ which I was very pleased about. At the end of Maths we were told that we were also in for a Maths test on Monday. I hope I'm not at school then. I hate tests! [patently untrue]
I had a lot of homework but when it was done I went and recorded my favourite music all evening. I had a very annoying time because the doorbell and phone kept on ringing and people seemed to be shouting and banging all the time. This of course spoiled all my recordings and I had to start again twice. Eventually I got a lovely tape full of an interesting selection of pieces both classical and popular.
Helen came momentarily with Rollo just to borrow some felt tips. She didn't stay any length of time.
When I went to bed I played music to send myself to sleep.
Friday 11 January 1974
We slept in and because of this I waltzed off to school and remembered that I had forgotten my P.E. kit. I was by then already at school and so I pelted all the way back home to fetch it. When I arrived back at school it had already begun but only just. I was terribly hot and I was panting and heaving like an old man.
The dreadful Science test came. It was very difficult but I had my lucky charm with me [a round stone]. Hope it worked. The rest of the day I spent doing gym and netball. During netball my legs went purple. It must have been the wind that did it.
In the evening I had my piano lesson and Mr Tillotson told me that I was good and doing well. During Science I got an ‘A’ so I felt quite pleased.
After band practice at dinner time Karen and I and a few others from our class stayed in and practised Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat. Karen played the piano and Sandy and I the clarinet. The others sang. Anna played the bass part on the viola. I thought it sounded super but the boys said it sounded ’orrible from outside.
In the evening after I had had my tea I went to see Helen. We played with our ragdolls but after half an hour we stopped and we went and watched Billy Liar.
I had delicious jammy crumpets for my supper and then I went to my bedroom and sat, like a secret author, writing my diary in a little tiny chair that has no seat in it. While I wrote I listened to soothing music.
Saturday 12 January 1974
Nothing much happened today. Nothing of interest ever happens on Saturday. In the morning I had a long bath while listening to music. Then we went to Granny's [paternal]. We had pies for lunch followed by delicious Christmas pudding and cream.
We watched an interesting film about going to the moon. It was unusual because it was made before anyone ever set foot on the moon.
For tea I had egg and bacon. Mum bought me a gorgeous little book.
It was Kate Greenaway's alphabet book. It is only tiny. I have put it in my collection as it is a bit big for the dolls house.
Goodie Goodie Yum Yum... |
We went to home just as The Goodies started so I missed it. I did see Upstairs Downstairs though. I do love it.
Before Downton Abbey there was Upstairs Downstairs |
Sunday 13 January 1974
I had a terrible load of homework. It took me all morning and half the afternoon. I also did some in bed.
We had delicious rump steak for dinner, an experience I had never previously had. When Helen came we dismantled one of Mum's disaster-collages and also the Christmas tree! I know we're terribly late but we just didn't seem able to find time to do it. I hope it isn't unlucky to be late in taking down decorations.
Later Helen and I played with the dolls house. We put real, tiny candles in the candlesticks. The candles are meant for cakes really.
We had spaghetti on toast for tea followed by jam tart. Then we watched a very exciting episode of Black Beauty.
Helen went home and I washed my hair. Then we tried out Granny’s slide projector which we’ve borrowed. Most annoyingly all the slides were out of focus. We couldn't think why because when we looked at them in the slide viewer they were beautiful. In the end we figured it out and we saw them. It was quite a treat.
Monday 14 January 1974
Today I got a prepared-for shock. A horrible Maths test. It was very difficult but I had revised so it wasn't as hard as it might have been.
After school there was a band practice. Today Paul H took it because Mr Ewart was busy. It wasn't very good because he couldn't control the boys well enough. After this I rushed home and watched Tom’s Midnight Garden. I'm going to get the book.
Tuesday 15 January 1974
This morning at school we had our school photographs taken. We had one of us separately and one as a class. This caused us to miss nearly all Maths. When we got back for the last few minutes of Maths Mrs Brook told us that the results were so bad we would have to do the test again. She hasn't marked mine yet. We also got the Latin test results. I was top of the class with 43 out of 44. I was thrilled. At dinner time we practised Joseph in the music room. It is coming on well. We also did it as a class in Music. Mr Griffin promised that today we could do Drama but as usual he made excuses.
There was no choir tonight so I came home and did my homework. Mr Hatton came to talk about welding. We had ice cream for our tea following egg and bacon. I played the clarinet for a while and then I had a bath. Later I attempted to play the piano but was refused permission as THE TELLY was on. But I did see The Likely Lads which I love. I watched Colditz and went to bed.
Wednesday 16 January 1974
This morning it snowed, horrible slushy snow that splashed your legs and was not slippery. There was no fun in playing in it so I went inside the building during break. Sandy had some crisps for break and Karen brought a satsuma. In Maths we got our test results. I got 39 which was the highest mark in the class. This isn't really very good out of 50.
In the library lesson I finished off ‘Hilary’s Adventure’ and gave it in to Mr Griffin.
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A truly terrible story |
Geography was very boring. After school I trudged home and rested all evening.
Thursday 17 January 1974
This morning we had Art. I finished off my picture of a girl’s head. I'm quite pleased with it. In Science we got the results of the test. I was top with 25 out of 30. This means that I got full marks and top marks in every test we have had this week. After dinner there was an orchestra practice. In the afternoon I had a clarinet lesson and then I met Karen and walked home. I played with Helen after tea and we put real candles in the house and lit them. We switched off the electric light. The glow was beautiful but soon black marks appeared on the ceilings and we blew them out.
May 1974
Interlude. It is now May and almost six months since I wrote any diary. Isn't that terrible? I just knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up. I've just been reading through all the previous entries. It hardly seems any time since all that happened. Such a lot has happened since then but I can't remember it all. I'm going to try again with my diary, so ‘Here goes’!
Sunday 19 May 1974
This morning I lay in bed longing for a cup of tea but feeling too idle to force myself to get out and fetch one for myself. However in the end Dad came – without any tea – and got me up. I began my homework. How I hate weekend homework. It should be stopped. I had some Science that I had to ask Dad to help me with and he got in an awful temper and threatened to write letters to various people.
I finished my homework just before dinner and so I raced down, dropped my books and sat down to a delicious beef casserole. Afterwards I rang Helen and asked her if she would like to go to the tennis tournament with us. She said ‘Naoowh’ in a mingy voice but later when I saw her in the street she changed her mind. We set off at ten to two. After the first match Sam was knocked out so we decided to leave and go for picnic. We went to Whitcliffe Woods, a very picturesque spot that you get to along a very bumpy track. In the woods there were lots of different flowers and I found an orchid which is very rare. We had an absolutely super time, finishing with a picnic and then French cricket. When we looked at the time we saw to our amazement that it was already half past seven and the sun was setting. We went home feeling happily weary and I had a cool bath straight away. The bath water was grey and slimy when I got out.
Granny came to see Mum but spent most of the time playing the piano in a horrible slip-slap way.
After my day in the sun I was both exhausted and ravenous and after two tomato dips I went to bed and wrote my diary, for the simple reason that I couldn't find my book.
But there was only one more entry after that. My 1974 diary was over (although I tried again in 1975, but that will have to be for another time).
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