Monday, 18 April 2011

Grangerised book

If you've been dropping in to my blog since I started it last September, you might possibly remember a post I did about Blackpool or, more specifically, my granny's love of Blackpool.
     In that post, I mentioned a book that she had 'grangerised', that is decorated with pictures and so on. At the time, I couldn't lay hands on it, but I found it last night. I think it's wonderful. It's a novel called Leading Lady set in the glamorous world of Blackpool theatre. It's just a fusty novel published in 1947, but I think Granny must have bought it secondhand in about 1973 as all the pictures she's stuck in it date from the Seventies and there's a clipping from the Daily Mail of August 16 1973 about Blackpool's Grand Theatre being saved from re-development.
     Granny made a brilliant cover for the book from an eyewateringly bright poster plus a rather saucy flyer for the 'Folies Striptease' and a leaflet advertising the film of The Bible, showing at the Palladium Cinema, Blackpool (starring John Huston as Noah). This is the spine:
The novel itself is very jolly, a period piece now, full of cheerful titbits about aspiring musicians and worldweary chorus girls. Here are the first few pages, as decorated by Granny:

I like the madness of all the pictures (which carry on through the book) and I might even read the book one day. "Peter swung out of the station with a cheerful step, intending to deposit his bag at the nearby hotel where he had booked a room. Just as he came out into the street, a voice behind him exclaimed, 'Ee! There go t'illuminations!' and the grey outline of the Tower, rising close in front of him above the roofs, was suddenly split from head to foot by zigzag lines of light, while its summit blazed forth like an imperial crown."


Kitsch and Curious said...

What a wonderful book. I love old variety posters. "Teddy Johnson and Pearl Carr" "Twelve Tiller girls" and "Hullo Alfredo!" - marvellous!
And how very artistic of your granny. A treasure!

LAC EMP 2020 said...

I think your Granny must have been the original altered book artist Jane, way ahead of her time. I love that poster but I just wish I didn't remember so many of the acts! Peter Goodwright was a good impressionist and was always on the variety type shows. The Clark Bothers were fantastic tap dancers if I remember correctly.... how sad that I can recall that! Lesley

menopausalmusing said...

My thoughts were running along the same lines as Lesley's in as much as your Granny was way ahead of her time. You are soooo lucky to have these things that she did.


How absolutely wonderful. Your granny was probably one of the first to get into "altered art" lol :o)

I make these sort of books myself. I call them inspiration books ... never heard of "grangerising" so I am off to find out more about that!

Thank you for your lovely comment. Happy Easter, Carolyn x